Saturday, June 26, 2010

It Begins.

Like many I know, I am tired of the way things are. The needless regulation, the asinine laws, and the corrupt politics.  So, in light of  a few votes of confidence, I am dedicating myself to the creation of a new country developed and maintained by regular people. This nation shall not be anything radical, only what people have wanted for years, and indeed once long ago had in some countries, though never entirely.  This nation is dedicated to the willpower, sacrifice, and independence of its citizens.

In the Coming days the first phase of planning shall take place. I shall write up a constitution, which will be open to suggestion and amendment. After the basic agreement of the most basic of laws we shall turn to basic workings of our new society. All the while doing these things, I as well as anyone who is willing to look, will find lands large enough to sustain our community, when we have found the suitable location we will commence raising funds to take it, through preferably  peaceful means.

  My only wish is to be free and share that freedom with as many people as possible.